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Identify trees
Growing basics
Grow Trees
Identify trees
Growing basics
Grow Trees
Conservation insights and inspiration
A selection of articles about trees and conservation in general.
An introduction to wildlife gardening
Basic Safety in Conservation Work
Birds in your garden
Coppicing – why cut down trees for conservation?
Creating and managing a patch of wet grassland
Dry stone walls – why build and look after them
Gardening for bees
Green gardening without peat
Hedgerow cutting
How to build a fence
How to build or repair a dry stone wall
How to coppice trees
How to create a wildflower meadow
How To Create a Wildlife Pond
How to fell trees
How to improve access in the countryside
How to lay a hedge
How to manage ponds & wetlands
How to manage sand dunes
How to plan a wildlife hedge
How to plant trees
How to select trees for new native woodland
Laying hedges – the whys and wherefores of this ancient craft
Make your garden a home for hedgehogs
Native spring-flowering bulbs for wildlife
Native tree heights
Native trees in your garden
Why clear scrub?
Why conserve?
Why fell trees?
Why improve access?
Why manage dunes?
Why plant native trees of local provenance?
Why plant trees?
Young trees matter, cherish them